In order to promote social distancing and allow for a more organized and structured pick up of students’ belongings and report cards, we ask that families of Dr. Hamman School follow these guidelines for Monday, March 23rd.
Please remember to return all school library books, classroom books and any other resources your child may have from the school.
Please ensure that no-one entering the school is displaying cold or flu-like symptoms and follows the guidelines from Alberta Health Services that are posted on the school door.
Please enter through the main (east) doors.
Proceed straight to the student’s classroom and avoid unnecessary deviations into other rooms.
When coming to the school, can there please be only one parent accompany the student to come and collect the report card and belongings. If there are families with more than one child in the school, the parent will accompany one child at a time while the other waits in a vehicle.
Please ensure that you arrive at the following times. If you cannot make your designated time slot, please make alternate arrangements with your child’s teacher.